Sing the World God Imagines
was the winner of The Hymn Society’s 2022 Song Search for their 100th Anniversary International Conference.
The Hymn Society is a wonderful, ecumenical, professional community which promotes congregational song of multiple genres in creative, worshipful, scholarly, and life-giving ways.
The theme of The Hymn Society’s centennial celebration, Sing the World God Imagines, inspired me to dwell on God's imaginative and redemptive vision for our world, a vision that takes the long view and sees beyond our (often troubling) present reality.
My prayer is that this song offers both a vision and a call for God’s people to work for justice, care for creation, and truly love our neighbors. May we "sing the world God imagines" with our voices and our lives.
Get free sheet music for "Sing the World God Imagines" at The Hymn Society page.