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Peace of the Prairie: A Liturgy for Here and Now is Shalom Hill Farm’s Signature Liturgy composed by Carol with Meta Herrick Carlson. One of the main goals of this resource is to provide a place-specific liturgy that is intentionally centered in our connection to the prairie. Included in this liturgy is a spoken litany, “We Remember,” that serves as a thoughtful land acknowledgment. Peace of the Prairie also features the signature song, “God of Shalom,” which highlights prairie images and care for creation themes. A portion of the proceeds from your purchase benefit Shalom Hill Farm Retreat Center and First Nations Version / Rain Ministries. Watch the Luther seminary premiere here.

The music is licensed through One License and CCLI.

This liturgy is approximately 30 minutes long.

2. Select the Assembly Edition based on your congregation's size. Your digital purchase allows you to make as many hard copies as you pay for.

What do you need to lead Peace of the Prairie with your community?

1. Select the Accompaniment Bundle below. Your digital purchase allows you to makes as many copies as your musicians need.

The Accompaniment Bundle includes:

  • Full score
    -- Piano
    -- Guitar
    -- Vocal parts

  • Guitar/Lead sheet (includes limited vocal harmony)

  • Permission to copy parts as needed for local musicians

Carol Meier and Meta Herrick Carlson

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